Area Square Rectangle T-Rex Game

"Woah a tyrannosaurus rex!" said one kid. "Oh no it chased my character away!" he added, as the jungle boy fell on the tracks of the huge dinosaur.

Learning how to identify shapes like squares and rectangles is still easy, even for kids. But as they age, mathematics shifts from simple shapes to the computation of the dimensions of the shapes. This may pose difficulty to children without proper reinforcement.

The Area square rectangle t-rex game is a creative game aimed to help children in their lessons on computing the area of squares and rectangles. The 4th graders will benefit the most from this since it is their time to be studying these math concepts. By rolling a dice you get to walk the number of paces as shown after the roll. With each correct answer, the nearer jungle boy gets to reach home. Watch out for dinosaurs or they might drive you away!

This game reinforces lessons in an enjoyable manner. But the learning can surely emanate out of the game. Test and see their performance outside of the virtual realm. Make them compute the area of your chopping board or picture frame and they will answer with ease. Play this game now and watch the kids become math whizzes!